Welcome to Crossteens!!!
Home Page

Sign my Guest Book

Pictures from the Passion

Prayer Requests

Recent Devotion Page

Random Things

Contact Page

My Favorite Links

Chat Room and Forums

-Crossteen Leaders-



Hey everybody out there! There is an awesome club out there that I want YOU to be a part of, there's only one little requirement, you have to be dedicated to God beyond belief and willing to do anything for him! Oh yeah and you have to be a teen. Check out the info below the cross to find out what crossteens is all about. You can even sign up today!

How to sign up...

If you want to be a member just email me by clicking on the link below. Send me your name, age, testimony, and email adress. Then you'll be in. So what exactly is Crossteens?, you ask. Basically, it is an online group of Christian teens who want to constantly be challenged. We will send you 2 emails a week:

  • On Wednesdays, you get an enriching Bible Study / Devotional that will leave you thinking and change the way you live
  • And on Fridays, we send you a list of everyone's prayer requests for the week.

Just send us whatever prayer need or praise and we will put it on the prayer list until you email us again and tell us to take it off. This is very powerful. You can print it off and tape it to your bathroom mirror and pray whenever you see it. Very Cool, Huh?


Home Page: You're here now! This page contains all the sign up information. Direct all your friends here!

Sign my Guest Book: on this page you'l be able to sign my guest book and see who else did the same!

Passion of the Christ Pictures: this page has some extremely graphic pictures of the crusifixtion of our Savior. I suggest looking at these if you haven't seen the movie.

Prayer Requests: On this page we will have a list of all the prayer requests crossteens send us. This way, someone just browsing can see how awesome of faith we have!

Recent Devotion Page: Although crossteens will get this weekly in their inbox, we decided to post it here as well thinking more would read it.

Random Things: This page changes daily so be sure to check back very often. I just put whatever is both cool and christian on this page! If you have something you think would be a good addition to this page, send it to me at crossteen@hotmail.com  

Contact Page: states how you could get a hold of crossteens and other believers including the founder Tiffany Taylor

My Favorite Links: We put all these totally awesome christian web addresses on this page! If you join crossteens, you  may just get to post yours here as well!

So what are you waiting for??

If you don't believe me that it's awesome, email me and I'll give you other peoples stories about how it changed their life. There's no cost involved. It's really a pretty good deal if you think about it. Still, if you have any comments or concerns, still email me at the link below. ............Ok, click already!

Click here to email me and sign up!

How many people have visited my site to date:

Please take my Poll! Results will be posted mothly!


created by Tiffany Taylor