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Here are some of the christian websites I regularly go to

If you have a christian webpage email it to me at and I'll check it out and probably add it to my list of links. You'd be suprised how many christian teen webpages there are out there, check some of them out!

I think this is a really important link! For just a month you can provide a kid with food, health care, school, clothes, and most importantly share the gospel with them! You can write them letters and maybe even visit them someday! Click on the link above to change a child's life forever!

Here's some popular teen christian sites!
Life on the Edge Live!

Life on the Edge Live is a christian radio talk show for teens. "Talk that Rocks" visit the site for program times. In Wichita it's on 94.3 from 8-9pm every saturday. Call in and get advice! or just visit their web page!

Brio Magazine

Guys, stop reading! This is a teen girl magazine produced by Focus on The Family. Great material to read and live by. Get a supscription here or just read the stories. They also have a daily devotion.

Breakaway Magizine

This is a magazine publised by Focus on the Family for teen guys. Check it out. You don't hav to supscribe to be able to hang around the website. Awesome activities and reading material.

Backward Fish

Sorry guys, this one is for girls too!  A clothing site with awesome ideas. They also have a radical chat room and message board!

Christian Music

A great site to check out all your favorite christian bands! You can listen to music, check out the lyrics, and even buy it all here!

Campus Revolution

A great resource if you are going to try to start a bible study at your school, or wittness to somebody. Lets you know what your rights are and great ways to suceed and stay strong. Definetly check it out!

These are for Crossteen Members

who have websites they want us to check out! Check back here later cuz i have a funny feeling they'll just keep growing and growing and growing and...well, you get the picture!

Catlover14's site

Havaashna's site

LuthienCarnesir~Hobbitlover4ever's site

Tiff's site

Add your link here Be sure to place a description of your link for your viewers here!
Add your link here Be sure to place a description of your link for your viewers here!


site created by Tiffany Taylor