-Crossteen Leaders!-
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-Crossteen Leaders-


We need leaders...now more than ever!

since we currently have 54 members, I decided that if I had leaders who each had around 5-10 teens who they would communicate with and get to know on a better level, that Crossteens would be a stronger better group! So now I just have to get the leaders...

I need leaders to each have a certain job, and here's a few openings:

  • advertisment director
  • enrollment supervisor
  • chat room/forum monitor
  • prayer chain leader
  • and anything else you can think of!

If you are interested, which I'm sure you will be....all you have to do is send me an email telling me the following things:

  1. Your name (first only is okay)
  2. Your age (must be over 14 and under 18)
  3. Email address 
  4. Why you think I should choose you!

Now, after you are accepted, I'll give you a group of teens, which you can start to get to know. I'll also send you all the passwords for Crossteen stuff and the password to the forum I'm going to add below just for Crossteen leaders. (CLs)

I also think you should know that you need to be a very strong christian to be a CL since you will be a leader for other crossteens. Email me with any questions at brunette808@hotmail.com!

Click the dog to go BACK! to the home page!

What is a leader? Industrial/Organizational psychologists do not seem to be able to agree on a definition. One way to understand leadership, however, is through the differences between a leader and an authority. Authorities are those who hold formal positions that give them the power to direct the behavior of their subordinates. Managers, supervisors, and bosses are authorities. They may or may not also be leaders, depending on whether they rely solely on their official positions when applying influence on others. A true leader does not use force and coercion to direct his or her followers toward a common goal.

CL Forum!

it seems the forum is down currently but should be up and running soon, in the meantime, email all questions to brunette808@Hotmail.com



website created by Tiffany Taylor (brunette808@Hotmail.com)