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Click on the first button to enter the chat room and the one below it to enter the forum! HAVE FUN!!

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  This is the Crossteen Logo:

I'm not sure many people realize that since the only place I put it was on the home page but it is. It's really pretty, don't you think?

click the picture to go back to the home page!

  This is Brandon:

He's four years old and lives in Guatamuala-I'm making it my un-official mission to get him a sponser. He wants someone to love. If you have a month to spare I beg you to go to and click on "Sponser a child" I already sponser a child so I can't but you can!

This is Brandon.

  How many people have came just to the forums and chat room!


Pretty rock thing, huh?


site created by Tiffany Taylor